# Protocol Buffers for Project Service IPC and API
This repository contains raw definitions of Protocol Buffers for both Service
IPC and the API. These files will be used to generate concrete class
definitions for all other projects.
## Why protobuf?
Protobuf provides tooling for all major languages, and enables automated
generation of class definitions, based on language-agnostic definitions. A
protobuf compiler then turns them into classes, structures, or other kind of
relevant definition for the target language.
This project will revolve mostly around C#/.NET, Java, and TypeScript, all of
which are supported targets.
## How to use with IPC or API?
Serialized protocol buffers will require being submitted with one of the
following MIME types:
- `application/x-protobuf`
- `application/x-google-protobuf`
- `application/`