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<img src="" alt="Clyde.NET" width="192" height="192">
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<a href=""><img src="" alt="AppVeyor build status"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="NuGet"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="SlimGet"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Discord"></a>
Clyde.NET is an unofficial Discord API wrapper for .NET Core. It's written in C#, and aims to provide a rich feature
## Requirements
The library is built for .NET Core 2.2. It is therefore required that you have .NET Core SDK 2.2 or better installed.
I recommend Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.9 or newer) for your IDE. If you are on Linux, Visual Studio Code is my
You are required to know C# on at least intermediate level before attempting to use the library. I will not take any
time to explain language basics to you, and if you come to me without understanding the language, I will simply
redirect you to [the C# guide][11].
### Building
Building Clyde.NET from source is possible on both Windows and GNU/Linux operating systems. For more detailed
instructions, check out the [building guide][12].
## Installation and usage
First you need to install the library. You can obtain the latest stable releases from [NuGet][5], or, if you're feeling
adventurous, you can try the latest nightly builds from [SlimGet][6].
## Documentation and examples
Complete documentation for the project can be found [right here][1], with a quick start guide available [here][2].
Complete example bots can be found in my [example bot repository][3].
## Support me
A lot of time and effort was put into making this library. If you feel like thanking me by helping me out financially,
you can do so using one of the following methods:
* [Send money via PayPal][13]
* [Support me on Patreon][14]
You can also help me by spreading the word about the project. The more people use it, the more reasons I have to work
on it!
If you need more help, you can come talk on [the Clyde.NET Discord server][7]:
[![Clyde.NET Discord server][8]][7]