Emzi's GitLab


This is my GitLab instance, which I run for personal projects. I am willing to grant access to others, provided they contact me first.

How to register

Registration is open, however any account has to be approved by me before you can log in. If you want to register, give me a heads-up on IRC (ircs://irc.emzi0767.com/), in the #gitlab channel first. If, for whatever reason, I have a reason against it, I'll let you know. You will need to confirm your email, so make sure to check your inbox and spam folders for an email from gitlab@mzgit.dev. Preferably also whitelist that sender.

CI rules

CI is enabled and available to all registered and approved users. There is a shared AArch64 runner available, however it is hosted on machines with limited resources, no container build capabilities, and no uptime guarantee. As such, it is advisable you attach your own runners.


Pages are fully armed and operational, available at https://<username>.mzgit.io/.

Container registry

The container registry is enabled, and available as mzgit.io. To access private projects, you will need to log in using an access token. These can be generated in Preferences.

Did the domain name change?

Yes. I have migrated this instance from a subdomain of emzi0767.dev to its own domain. Pages and container registry received similar treatment. If you were using hardware token-based 2FA methods, you will need to re-register them with your account. The move was done out of my desire to have a shorter and simpler link to my projects. This is the final domain name, and I don't ever plan to change it again. You can update your bookmarks. Or don't, I put redirects in place, so your links should work.

Trouble logging in?

Try clearing your cookies. If the problem persists, hit me up on IRC.

Emzi's GitLab
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