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Projekt 1 EINES 23L / 1st project for EINES course in 23L semester
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Etap 2 projektu BDBT 21L / 2nd stage of a project for BDBT course in 21L semester
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Lab REST PKC 21L / REST Lab for PKC course in 21L semester
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Lab ONOS PKC 21L / ONOS Lab for PKC course in 21L semester
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Service ingress, serving as a unified entrypoint into the cloud portion of the application.
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Redis adapter, exposing a unified REST API for other data adapter services.
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API endpoint, exposing a unified REST API for API consumers.
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AA endpoint, exposing a unified REST API for API consumers.
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Team and User data adapter, exposing a unified REST API for other data adapter services.
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Session data adapter, exposing a unified REST API for other data adapter services.
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Shopping List data adapter, exposing a unified REST API for other data adapter services.
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PostgreSQL adapter, exposing a unified REST API for other data adapter services.
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Testing utility for manual API acceptance testing.
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.NET bindings for the protobuf definitions.
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Protocol Buffer definitions for Service IPC and API.
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Projekt PROE 19Z / Project for PROE course in 19Z semester
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Projekt PROZE 20Z / Project for PROZE course in 20Z semester
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