InvalidOperationException thrown for attempting to delete a nonexistent role despite no operation to do so.
Created by: SeraphimRP
For some reason, an InvalidOperationException is thrown for attempting to delete a nonexistent role. My code contains no logic to delete a role, so I'm presuming that this is a bug internally.
- OS: Amazon Linux 2
- .NET Core Version: 5.0.6
- DSharpPlus Version: 4.1.0-nightly-00879
[2021-06-19 11:25:11 +00:00] [108 /WebSocketRec] [Error] Socket handler suppressed an exception
System.InvalidOperationException: Attempted to delete a nonexistent role.
at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.OnGuildRoleDeleteEventAsync(UInt64 roleId, DiscordGuild guild)
at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.HandleDispatchAsync(GatewayPayload payload)
at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.HandleSocketMessageAsync(String data)
at DSharpPlus.DiscordClient.<InternalConnectAsync>g__SocketOnMessage|369_1(IWebSocketClient sender, SocketMessageEventArgs e)
Steps to reproduce